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Olympus IX-81 ZDC Fluorescent Widefield
The Widefield is an inverted microscope for users needing widefield fluorescence, transmitted, DIC or phase contrast imaging of fixed or live specimens. Can be used with multi-well plates as well as glass slides or dishes. One of the best features of the Widefield is the low cost--£5 per hour--which makes it an excellent choice for long time-lapse experiments.
•Metal halide light illumination. •DAPI, eGFP, TRITC, CY5 channels •Hamamatsu Orca ER CCD camera •Objectives: 4x, 10x, 20x, 40x and 100x •ZDC z drift compensation •DIC optics and phase contrast •Fully automated in XY and Z. •Incubator and CO2 for live cell imaging. •Micro-manager software.

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